Human activities that take place at sea bring many benefits to society and economy but also many impacts to the marine environment. Among these impacts, the most widespread and pervasive is underwater noise.
Marine Directive 2008/56/CE (MSFD) represents a huge progress to preserve marine environment as it aims to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) by 2020. It highlights the need to establish anthropogenic noise levels that do not affect marine Biota (Descriptor 11).
quietMED project aims to improve the level of coherence and the comparability of the implementation of the Second Cycle of the Marine Directive (MSFD) as regards Descriptor 11- underwater noise implementation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin Region by enhancing cooperation among Member States (MS), the Barcelona Convention and other third no-Eu countries.
Within the framework of the project, common approaches to Good Environmental Status (GES) and the definition of thresholds, guidance on methodologies and policy recommendations for the review of the national assessment and the environmental targets and a regional joint register on impulsive noise will be set.
quietMED is included in the Implementation of the second cycle of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Achieving coherent, coordinated and consistent updates of the determinations of good environmental status, initial assessments and environmental targets.